I Miss You Too Much To Stand Around And Be Angry All The Time!

I miss you too in Spanish. It’s been months since I last saw you and I wanted to write this to say that I haven’t forgotten you, but I just can’t right now. I know I have made you think that this is your last chance to get back together, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You are still my ex and that is what matters.

I am not saying that I am sorry for what I did to hurt you, but I am saying that if you want to get back together with me, then I need to do some things differently. I promise that all of my behavior and mistakes were out of anger and not out of regret. If I had known what would happen if I never came across you, I would have done things a lot differently. I let you be in control of everything, and that was your choice.

When I think about you, I get flashbacks of all of the great times we had and all the fun we had together. When I think about those good memories, I get upset thinking about the break up. So, I apologize to you on behalf of myself and all of those mistakes that I have made. I am going to try and do what I can to help you overcome your anger, so that you can trust me again.

I also want you to understand that it is OK to feel that way about your ex. You are not the only one who has changed since the break up. I am trying my best to make it easier for you to get back together with me.

I know that there are going to be times when I get jealous of how you spend time with your friends and family. I want you to know that none of that matters to me. If anything, I am just glad that you have people who love and support you. If anything, that makes me feel better too.

After a lot of soul searching, it turns out that I am actually positive that I miss you so much to the point that I think about you all the time. I hope that things work out for the best between both of you and that we can both enjoy the time that we have together. If not, well, that is life.

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